+32 16 38 92 72 sales@camcotechnologies.com

In 2014, Camco Technologies achieved a 10 percent growth in revenue. Camco continues to strengthen its position on international markets, with more than half of the 2014 revenue (54%) coming from global projects outside Europe. The geographical spread of the contracts is indicated in the chart.

46% of the 2014 revenue originates from European clients, with several major projects in the UK, the Netherlands and Belgium. Clients in the US, Canada and South America make up 26%, while Australia contributes 13%. Projects in the Middle-East and South-Africa make up 13% and 2% respectively.

Camco’s global trajectories continue in 2015: Camco signed its first major project in Qingdao, China, together with its Shanghai-based partner Westing.

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