Talent in the picture!
Meet the people who make our success. Join us.
Christophe, Business Development Manager
End 2019, Camco gave me the opportunity to start working within an innovative, high tech company. If you know I originally come from a legal environment having no extensive technical background, you understand I am proud and very grateful for this.
Currently I am responsible for the intermodal market for which we engineered and designed specific automated solutions last year.
Working for a market leader, offering customizable state-of-the art technology makes generating new business for me so much more enjoyable and effective. Terminals worldwide trust us and know we can help them! Therefore, my focus is mainly on finding the best way on how to boost their operational processes.
Although this job comes with many advantages like travelling, meeting people on C-level and the freedom to self-organize your work efficiently; working for Camco requires lots of perseverance and entrepreneurship to get things done. Fortunately, I can use my colleagues as an inspiration on how to deal with challenging circumstances.
Are you ready to get out of your comfort zone and grow as a person/professional then Camco is definitely the place to be!
Till soon?

Ine, Product Software Developer
Hello, I am Ine. How are you today? I started as a front-end software developer 5 years ago but gradually trained into a software product developer. Our team develops software applications for new products helping our clients to improve automating the terminal processes, like Position Detection System or PDS for instance. PDS allows real-time tracking and tracing of terminal trucks. The application makes it possible to better organize truck driver work-flows. Job-stepping, we call it. I spent many many hours writing and finetuning the software.
PDS is a good example of the Camco Technologies vision and commitment to invest in promising terminal automation solutions. As a market leader, we are supposed to take the lead, aren’t we?
When I am not breaking my head on turning complex challenges into simple applications eventually making life easier for terminal operators, I like helping new team members with taking up their new roles, get them acquainted with our team responsibilities, hoping they pick up as much as I did.
Yes, I had the chance to learn how to develop mobile aps including the back-end, learned a lot while meeting with clients regularly and above all, I learned a lot about myself since and to my great surprise, I have met lot of colleagues even more stubborn than me!!! Or let me put it in another way, at Camco Technologies you ‘ll find lots of people with a lot of perseverance 😉. That’s wat you need when you want to move forward, isn’t it. But we laugh a lot. At least I do, and yes, it has become my trademark at the second office floor.

Joris, AI Engineer
Hi, my name is Joris Van Wunsel and I graduated as a Master in Engineering Sciences with an additional Master in Artificial Intelligence. These days you can’t bring up automation without mentioning AI. It has become a buzzword, but I am in it every day. My job at Camco Technologies is to translate the ever-growing field of machine learning onto our camera hardware.
My team and I are following the latest trends in automated learning: staying updated allows us to select the appropriate networks for a specific client request. Once I have selected and per-processed the datasets for a new application, I train and tweak the networks to recognize the objects or features we want the system to detect. It is pretty exciting. Camco Technologies puts a lot of efforts and resources in AI, this probably explains why we are the market leader in the terminal automation niche market.
The sometimes-complex requests from our clients require us to think outside the box and find unique solutions. Indeed, we are currently working on automated damage detection of containers and trailers. This is quite challenging since damage is often a vaguely defined concept.
Solving these types of problems is what I do best, and the reason I wanted to become an engineer.
Another passion is playing the violin. I interrupted violin classes in my youth, but picked it up again a couple of years ago. I am not a Yehudi Menuhin but I love to play. In fact, I am quite nervous for my violin exam this year. I hope I stay cool, calm and collected.
And last but certainly not least(!): my teammates are great. We go for indoor climbing every once in a while, and we are scheduling a trail abroad post-Covid.
The amount of variation in the job, combined with a supporting team, is what makes me start my monday mornings with a smile.

Thomas, Project Engineer

Jurgen, Support Engineer

Wendy, Production Technician
I joined production in 2015. First a trainee, now I am one of the 4 training coaches within the team. Things can go fast when you are good 😉.
Every day is different and work never the same. We are making many different products. One day I assemble high-end cameras, the next couple of days we produce kiosk displays. Some jobs require a lot of precision and concentration like soldering, joining small wires to electronic components. Other jobs require just a little more routine. But never for long. At the end of the project, it gives a lot of satisfaction seeing the final product ready for shipment, ready to be deployed somewhere far away and me our team having contributed to that process. Especially as our products are generally acknowledged as the best available on the market. It makes me particularly proud when we have given our best and everything is perfect.
I also keep the production procedures up to date on the intranet. It is important for every team member to have access to the latest production update. They are notified of changes in dedicated trainings, but can rely on the documented information if they want to double check. And of course, I am always available for more information, even for the smallest problem and even if the same problem comes back and again. I love to get my colleagues back on track.
In my spare time, I like going for a walk. I live in the countryside with nice unpaved roads and walking tracks. I love to take my dog Ritchie with me and he goes crazy every time he sees me reaching out for his leash. I really enjoy the walk; it gives me all the energy I need for another day’s work at Camco Technologies. See you later! Hope talking to you soon!

Pieter-Jan, Business Development Manager
After working as a project manager in construction for several years I needed a new challenge.
As a business development manager I help prospects and customers to optimize terminal processes.
I am passionate about technology and automation and in my free time I like to experiment with cameras and software.
As Camco is not just a reseller of hardware but an engineering office, I really like the mentality and eagerness of Camco to continuous improve the solutions.
Although technology allows to remotely connect with prospects and customers these days, the only way to really understand the terminal is by visiting it. Part of my function is to go on-site to the remote corners of the logistic world in Africa, Middle East and Europe. It is always a pleasure to get to know different people and cultures.

Johnny, Quality & Repair
My name is Johnny, I am responsible for Quality & Repair. We are 5 in my team working just next to the production department. I have been working her since 2015, we were only with 60 at the time. Incredible how fast we have been growing. I have a degree in Electronics and ICT, like most of my Q&R team-members. My training matches perfectly with my responsibilities. And I developed additional competences just by training on the job. In fact, I am still learning every day.
Our team makes sure everything works properly as designed. All incoming parts from suppliers are tested before assembling. It’s important to know if sourced components meet our quality requirements. Sometimes we have to return products to the supplier. Some parts are tested several times in different stages of the production process. All hardware coming from our own production department is thoroughly tested too. The Quality and Repair department is making sure no Camco Technologies product is shipped to the client without our clearance. This way, we avoid unforeseen problems during installation or operations. We are the field technicians best friends, I guess.
Occasionally, it happens that products or components fail. Most of our solutions are built with redundancy to prevent system downtime. Hopefully the clients spare parts management system allows for a quick replacement of the damaged or failing part. If not, we ship whatever needs replacement. But more important, every returned failing part is submitted to additional quality checks. If a failure is due to the design, our R&D department integrates the takeaways into the next design.
I really like my job. I get a lot of reward from my what I do. My responsibilities have grown since I joined and my input is also valued in the weekly R&D meetings.
And the team-spirit is great! We work hard, but we play hard as well. We know we can rely on each other when duty calls, but have fun on many occasions. I love team-building activities. We often end up in a pub for more drinks. And the yearly Camco BBQ and Christmas events are great to reconnect with colleagues from other departments. Too bad COVID has taken that from us. I am really expecting some big Camco T Fest this summer.
Since COVID prevents me from doing Ju Jitsu and Taekwondo I get a lot of energy out of running in my spare time. And I took up baking and cooking. Not yet a chef, but right on track 😉. See you soon!

Bianca, Production Technician
I am Bianca Taminau. I am a member of the Camco Technologies family since 2013. That seems long ago and at the time, we were only 3 at production. When making the products, I had to pick all components myself and assemble everything from A to Z. Today, we are 15 in the team and things are more organized. Also my responsibilities have changed. I gradually worked myself up as a production trainer. Today, I still do production but I am also responsible for the onboarding and the training of the new production team members. Transferring know-how to colleagues is what I like the most. It is very rewarding seeing new members become talented co-workers.
When we launch new products, it is my responsibility to define the production and assembling processes. I like keeping that process as simply as possible. Our product range is quite substantial so there is a lot of variation in the work we do. There are also unexpected challenges to cope with, but we are lucky to have a strong team and each of us is always very helpful when someone is stuck with a problem. We really are a dedicated team, working hard but having lots of fun too. In my free time, I like to read. Thrillers are my favorite. And I am an enthusiast member of a sports shooting club! Yes, I can say I am pretty good. And I like to spend a lot of time in the Ardennes. We have 3 trailer homes in the beautiful Trois Pont which we rent. A perfectionist in my job, I also keep these rental trailers spic and span. When you are at the office, just pop-in for a little chat. Feel free to ask if you have any question on production.