Camco的闸口自动化解决方案使码头能够对卡车和集装箱数据进行自动化处理和核对,而采集的高分辨率图像可用做卡车和货物的状态记录 。拥有无与伦比的速度和准确性的OCR相机龙门可以扫描所有进出码头的卡车和挂车。系统自动检测和读取集装箱号码、ISO代码、挂车号、车牌、托架号、IMDG危险品标签、箱门方向、集装箱在挂车上的位置和集装箱状态(满或空)。而同时生成存储的高质量图片,可用于高效的损害索赔管理。
Camco’s OCR camera portal is designed to operate outdoors and comes in 2 different designs: a Maritime OCR truck portal for high-demanding applications in container terminals, and an entry-level Intermodal OCR truck portal meeting the reduced needs of the road-rail terminals. The 3rd-generation portals are 第三代 and feature an integrated controller, integrated power and data cabling and portal supports to carry the side cameras. The intelligent controller steers all electronic equipment such as PoE cameras, lighting, sensors and laser scanners – a separate electrical cabinet is no longer required. With its small footprint and durable design, terminal operators will gain in real-estate and system longevity.

- 可处理不间断卡车通行,通行车辆速度可高达50公里/小时(31英里/小时)
- 每小时可处理最多500辆通行卡车
- 处理每辆通行的时间小于3秒
- 市场上最高的OCR准确率(>98%)
- 支持识别所有集装箱箱型和组合
- 支持识别多式联运,非ISO集装箱及挂车号码
- 支持美式托架号码识别
- 支持识别各种装载类型,集装箱在拖车位置及箱门方向
- 冗余设计
- 生成有篡改防护的高像素图片
- 嵌入时间和位置标签
- 不需安装感应环
- 低能耗LED智能照明补光系统。
- 占地面积小
- 无缝对接或者集成本地TOS或其他主机系统
Two portals, satisfying different needs.
The Camco truck camera portal range includes a high-end configuration for critical operations in high demanding maritime environments as well as a ready-to-go portal for high-performance data capture in stable conditions designed for the intermodal and inland terminal markets. Offering the same OCR/OFR performance, the basic equipment and limited redundancy of the Intermodal truck camera portal allow a cost-friendly solution in a fixed setup instantly operational when unboxed.

Maritime truck portal
Intermodal truck portal