+32 16 38 92 72 sales@camcotechnologies.com

Committed to offer the best possible service for Camco’s 18 clients in Australia, Camco has intensified its partnership with Peter Flemming Electrical Pty Ltd, located in Brisbane Australia. Josh, Peter, Tim and Ben will operate from Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. In a rotation program, the dedicated technician team will be within reach in no time. With the extended partnership, the Camco Australia support team will perform more frequent preventive mainte-nance, health checks of Camco installations, and interventions. They will also operate as a liaison between customer and Camco support. With the Camco regional distribution center also located in Brisbane through a partnership with Mainfreight Logistics, Camco spare parts are always within reach. The shortened supply lines prevent inter-vention staff from losing time for customer clearance allowing faster response.

In New Zealand, a new partnership has been signed with Aseco Electrical.

The stronger regional footprint is part of Camco’s commitment to better understand and meet local market needs, improve local services ensuring maximum system uptime based on shorten communication lines.

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